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- Hours: Monday to Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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The office of the Treasurer is a constitutional office. The Treasurer serves a four year term with a two term limit during any twelve year period. The County Treasurer is the custodian of all monies belonging to the county. Disbursements of monies with the proper orders issued by and attested to by the county Auditor.
Responsibilities include: Billing and collection of property taxes (real, personal and mobile home); taxes involved in bankruptcy; issuance of tax clearances; mobile homes and alcoholic beverage permits; investment of funds, conducts annual real estate tax sale, collection of taxes of public employees; the collection of delinquent property taxes and taxes in judgment.
Taxes are due each year on May 10th and November 10th. Property tax statements are mailed out no later than the first week of April. Everything property owners need to know is on this tax statement on either the tax stub or the TS-1 comparison statement that is with the stub.
For more information on taxes, including how to pay online, visit the Treasurer's Tax Page.